Our background

System Partners Limited > Our background
H.E Hon. Prof. Anyang' Nyong'o Minister for Medical Services, presented with a certificate of acquisition for Funsoft I-HMIS on behalf of Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital from Mr. Charles Waweru, Executive Director, System Partners limited

Our Journey at SPL

In many areas around the world primary healthcare services has become elusive to those needing one of the most important basic necessities in life.

For the purposes of ensuring quality healthcare by optimize the management and the utilization of resources involved in the delivery of healthcare services, it is imperative that data pertaining to the provision of this important service be available in an affordable, accurate and timely manner.

Our experience has shown that resources are either under-utilized or at least not effectively managed owing to lack of important information in a away it can be useful so as to be used in decision making for planning and administration of resources in healthcare facilities and administration units.

When used effectively, information and data from facilities could be very useful in improving patient care and safety. Use of ICT resources could then be quite useful in helping to improve facilities as well as allowing for better formulation of policies by healthcare management agencies, monitoring and evaluation of healthcare service delivery programmes.

The use of healthcare service indicators and performance indices, counters and other essential tools in capturing and processing data from healthcare facilities has been found to provide adequate intelligence in supporting administrative units. System Partners Limited (SPL) has been involved in various projects aimed at delivering diverse applications especially for strengthening healthcare management systems in Kenya and other countries (Sudan, Nigeria and Ghana).

SPL has also been involved in various projects for development and training on ICT in healthcare systems through funding from The Government of Kenya (Ministry of Medical Services), European Union Delegation, UNFPA, Centre For African Family Studies (CAFS) and the Population Council, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), Later Day Saints Charities (US), Belgian Technical Cooperation, International Finance Cooperation (IFC – private arm of the World Bank), USAID, Catholic Church Healthcare Services and many private sponsors.

SPL has often partnered with institutions in government, non-governmental organisation and private players in developing management systems. We have developed both I-HMIS applications through stakeholder partnership initiatives and we have also trained hospital staff in handling ICT resources, supporting and maintaining such systems.

SPL staff at a training session for Funsoft IHMIS EMR system at AFHAD University for Women in Khartoum Sudan in 2007

The systems so far developed through such efforts have far reaching implication in reforms at the Ministry of Healthin Kenya. There has been an improved cash collection rate from cost sharing programmes and overall improvement of reporting rates and accuracy and timeliness of such reports. The patients themselves have always insisted in “being served through the computer” acknowledging their perceived quality care confidence when involving use of ICT.

We are involved in research and development of these systems which provide statistical information for healthcare financing, clinical and medical records, MCH/FP(reproductive healthcare management), stock and inventory management, asset registers, HR and payroll management, accounts and financials, performance/process management, reporting and routing of raw and aggregated data for onward data forwarding to a hierarchy of supporting departments.